Membership Application Information
For EFT payments only, hardcopy forms available at the Canteen, or print from the website and send with cheque.
Westpac Bank - BSB: 036360, Account No: 109661 Account Name: WA Model Aircraft Sports Centre
Two simple steps to renewal your WAMASC membership.
1. Select your level of membership and complete your EFT payment using your Surname and MAAA Aus number in the description field.
If you fail to identify yourself in the description field, no further action can be taken by the Treasurer.
2. Click the WAMASC membership button and download/complete the form. You will need your EFT Reference / Receipt Number. You may submit the filled out and signed form by Mail, Email or by hand to a member of the executive committee.
The Form will be received by the Treasurer who will validate your payment into the WAMASC Account.
A new Membership Card will then be issued. This will also act as the official receipt of payment.
Please allow 14 days for processing. You will need your new Membership Card on 1st July or after to fly.